A report about the Syrian Electronic Army in Albaath Newspaper

Albaath Syrian-Newspaper published today an article about the Syrian Electronic Army
under the title : After two years …. The electronic youth movement .. Uprising generation national imprint
Google translate of the article :
Unparalleled determination, and persistence not break it .. After almost two years .. Ninety-seventh after percent announces the birth of a new Electronic army and calls for volunteers Electronic eager to join him to come back its activities again.
Syrian Electronic Army still exists on the web pages at war electronic raging, and achieve – as his counterpart on the ground – the victories and successes continuing vividly, and will and determination initiated by young Syrians left sites, chats and dating and turned to defend their homeland, also continue solid relentless.
The volunteer groups formed by default, and offered many ideas in the social networking sites to support their homeland, have translated their ideas on the ground, and turned to volunteer activist groups implement those ideas, and constantly offering new initiatives.
The beginning of the journey Electronic
Began Syrian Electronic Army with the beginning of the crisis in Syria as part of a range of activities carried out by young Syrian volunteers wanted to defend their home one way or another against distorts the truth in it, and had they found their way in the web pages that are no less war breaking morale where, and to influence the souls such acts and crimes recruited to implement hundreds of terrorist organizations along the Syrian geography.
A young activists in the Syrian Electronic Army – and handsome – spoke about his experience, which began with the start of this army, saying: I think the idea was born depths all of us at one time, when we see what is going on from forging and fabrication on the screens speaking in Arabic about the events and مجرياتها in Syria. . Everyone wanted to, without exception, to say their point of view, or that Aouseloa truth to those who are unaware, and we found in the pages of the social networking space to achieve that end.
Steadfastness and victories
Says Nizar another volunteer: army began mail and we take upon ourselves – we the young people who volunteered in its ranks – the task of closing all pages that incite and provoke strife and lie and تلفق and manipulate emotions and minds, in conjunction with the publication of the truth and deliver the right information to those who are looking for,
He adds: The result was impressive, and the successes achieved by the Syrian Electronic Army is no longer obvious to one, we are still to this day despite the start of a new phase of the war on our country, and despite many attempts to close the page of this army, steadfast and continuing to achieve success, and Akhturguna friendly office simple thousands of sites Global foreign, and left them messages that we are, and we will continue.
Chat rooms ..
Chat rooms a more places that are Bzaúran on web pages, which places experienced shifts many for visitors, young Arabs in general and the Syrians in particular, where it became a place for political debate and exchange of views with visitors from other countries and many countries, a yard other active where many Syrians users of the Internet to defend their homeland.
Perhaps one of the most important benefits of those rooms that they allow to communicate with people from other countries and various countries, including Arabs, including foreigners, and tells Zaher How did you become his visits to the many chat rooms fundamental objective of delivering the facts to those who are unaware, or open a dialogue and discussion with them if they are opinion makers or interest in what is happening in their home.
Zaher says: Previously you He attended chat rooms for dating with friends of different nationalities, and I was trying to identify who speak the English language to improve my foreign language, and to learn about different cultures as a universal language understanding.
Complements: today still have the same concerns, but the topics of discussion varied and became mostly concentrated on what is really happening, and exposed Syria, and the fact that most of those I met with them entering the debate with certain ideas, in and out with other ideas yet to unfold them other things.
Yes to support the Syrian pound
Nice to his volunteers Alaketrun of activities not confined to one area such as publishing the truth or the Army of email based attack on the sites enemies, but appeared activities and other areas within the pages of social networking, and emerged ideas with different purposes consistent in sum with doing hard what to confront the crisis in various dimensions.
Yes to support the Syrian pound .. Page on the social networking site “Facebook” was founded by a group of young people, and adopt the idea of creation, according to – Samar – one activist where, to provide ideas and suggestions to support the national economy and support the Syrian pound, talks about the economic problems arising from the crisis in general as a crisis diesel and gas and transportation , and pose possible solutions to solve them.
Says Samar: at the beginning of the crisis was our position on supporting the national economy and the Syrian pound, and we offer ideas simple maybe some people think it meaningful few, but their usefulness in fact would be great if you would have applied collectively, for example we suggested at the beginning of the crisis to withdraw salaries of ATMs for staff at two or more stages, because the survival of money helps to support the lira, later – complement Samar – became our position to solve the problems arising from the crisis, So we talked for monopoly exercised by some for some commodities, and we talked about the problems experienced by citizens , and we always pay off tough sanctions and harsh on the monopolists of stakeholders, and community as well as not to remain silent on their actions.
Pages of statistics and documentation
Documentation and exact count of all events that have passed the Syria during the crisis, and in a period of almost two years of the important things was required to face a war against it, which is not lost on volunteer effort mail.
Says Karam a youth working in the Website specializes documented victims of terrorism in Syria: emerged with the start of the crisis websites many distorted reality heuristic on the ground display misleading information volatility victim to aggressor and the aggressor to the victim, was necessary for us to begin actively documentary real victims of terrorism who entered Syria, and actually we we document and count all these things, Fothagna For example victims of terrorism in the city of Homs, and counted the number of people whose homes were destroyed, and collected similar information in cities and towns other Syrian, and complete: Of course I need this to great effort and volunteers on the ground, It also adopted electronic authentication to exchange numbers and the information and data with other documentation centers.
Of the default page to reality
Interestingly in youth or community action on web pages that it is not restricted to those pages, was left locked in electronic screens, many of the youth groups formed in default social networking sites become a reality and the reality.
The crisis along the recorded almost two years the emergence of a lot of youth groups that began to default, and then turned to voluntary groups on the ground carried out various acts and numerous activities.
Rana explains young participate in a voluntary group: The idea of my participation in the group of “sunset” on the Facebook pages of inviting a friend, we used to talk, discuss and put forward ideas that we decided to actually meeting and start actively grandfather, and really it was just .. It is true that what we did was not the size of what we had hoped, but the idea of moving from page to virtual reality, and implementing the ideas in the earlier dreams is itself calculated achievement for our group.
And complement Rana: no longer a secret that provided those groups the more than percent range of several initiatives in support Syrian Arab army by visiting Gerhah or visit families of the martyrs, as well as initiatives to provide support and aid to those who have suffered the horrors of terrorism, in addition to campaigns deposit in banks or campaigns organizing rallies and many others.
Continue despite the difficulties
Many difficulties facing move volunteers Electronic and lead to the absence of many of them from exercising their electronic, in addition to being exposed to their Electronic army from continuous attempts to close yet, witnessing telecommunications services and the Internet in Syria recently a lot of problems in the areas where it was registered presence of terrorist groups armed, either as a result what he is doing those terrorists from sabotaging continuous communication services and other infrastructure, or to crack down on those groups, and revealed cells contacts by units Syrian Arab Army, and as a result lose Internet services and declining youth activism on the pages in those areas, but despite all Those difficulties ongoing youth activities, and great confidence volunteers Electronic Bjeechehem who works to restore security to them, to re-their activities and return their activity.
Report published by the Syrian Electronic Army in 01/04/2013
The Syrian Electronic Army made 5 campaigns to raise awareness on the destinations Arab media and global to tell the whole world that we continue in our struggle and our steadfastness, to address this attack barbarism against our beloved country, and managed our staff to deliver voice Syrians honorable and amplify the voices of the right to all campaigns, and proved to the whole world that we right holders can not and will not die, and passed the Syrian Electronic Army from the foreheads cowards, leaving behind memorable message: “Syrian Elctronic Army Was here”.