Online activists backing the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed responsibility on Tuesday for hacking an AFP Twitter account. The account, @AFPphoto, was hacked on Tuesday at around 1645 GMT. Images posted until the account was suspended more than an hour later did not come from the agency, AFP’s management said in a statement. […]
Hackers who support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have claimed yet another target in their virtual war for Syria’s hearts and minds: the Twitter and Facebook accounts of the Qatar Foundation, which began posting unusual messages around 2:00 a.m. on Friday. The anonymous hackers, who call themselves the “Syrian Electronic Army,” have hacked dozens of Web […]
Online activists loyal to the Assad regime targeted FRANCE 24 on Monday, temporarily hacking into two Twitter accounts to spread false reports. The channel’s Arabic twitter account “@FRANCE24_AR” was hijacked for about three hours in a cyber attack claimed by the Syrian Electronic Army. The hackers only managed to post four tweets to the account’s […]
ACDC, Areosmith, Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G.. These our some our country’s classic acts. Each of them challenged the way a record should be made, played and marketed. You could listen to their songs and tell they had lived life and were able to interject themselves into their music. While it is impossible for everyone to […]
When iTunes, Apple Inc.’s wildly popular MP3 music store first launched in 2003, it sold a whopping million songs in its first five days. Since then, it has continued to hit music benchmarks: Five million, ten million, one hundred million…last year, Apple reported that it had already sold a billion songs. A billion MP3s! People […]
In this day and age of advanced technology and the tragedy of piracy, much is left out in the open about how music should progress in terms of music-sharing. Music sharing is probably the second-most problematic concern, second only to downloadable movies. Why? First of all, the main concern is that musicians will not see […]
Maximizing the apace and look of the kitchen is a great idea and a feeling of spaciousness will bring more like uniting cooking, dining along with help for relaxing into one glorious. Here an uninviting, as well as a small kitchen, was demolished. The kitchen has to have enough flavors that you can’t fit in […]
At the time of this writing, just as Munson states in his book Handbook of Clinical Social Work Supervision, “no theory of supervision exists” and no attempt can even be made to create one because “social work supervision knowledge and research are not sufficient to permit development of a substantial theory at this point” (p. […]
Every day, businesses receive a lot of data in the form of emails with invoices, receipts, quotes, leads, customer information and more. This data is usually sent to Google Sheets for further processing, or to CRMs, ERPs, or accounting software using Email parser is a tool that can help you automate these processes and […]