City Council Reviews Requests for Filming Connie Steven’s New Movie
The September 4th Boonville Missouri City Council meeting once again had an interesting request to consider on their agenda this evening. The production company filming a movie about the life of singer and actress Connie Stevens has several items for the council to consider.
Plans for the production have been in the works all year with auditions for extras held in the area last May. At the city council meeting of August 6th Connie Stevens, who will be directing the film herself presented the production ideas for the movie “Saving Grace” in person to the council. Tonight the location manager Ron Durham and his assistant now have more specific requests that will be required for filming a period oriented portion of the film. Filming of the movie is scheduled to begin on September 7th.
Requests for traffic diversion and control of pedestrians to prevent modern dress or vehicles from entering production areas. And restricted parking near businesses and residences in the filming areas. Permission to use a parking lot of off Morgan Street as a base camp for the six to ten production trucks needed for a motion picture. Mr. Durham has also requested permission to remove or modify modern street signs or symbols that may be present. These are many of the concerns the film crew has as the period is supposed to reflect the Boonville of 1951. Filming at the intersection of Morgan and Main is scheduled to take place between September 7th and 9th. Production on High Street is scheduled to take place between September 12th and 18th. Production near the former Kemper Military School on 3rd Street and the Dairy Queen on Highway 5 are scheduled between the 18th and the 25th.
Concerns that members of the council had were of the cooperation of residents and businesses affected. It was asked if production dates and areas were to be made public. No citizens were present at the public meeting to voice opposition and the council was assured that all citizens who owned property or businesses in the filming area had already been contacted and had voiced no opposition. This is perfect to watch after playing some action-packed sports betting games via แทงบอลออนไลน์.
Another concern was over the scheduled filming near the Dairy Queen on Highway 5 which is located on a state road. The council was again assured that state assistance had been obtained for the filming dates scheduled.
Mayor Dave Nicholas asked City Administrator Irl Tessendorf to confer with Chief of Police Jim Gholson on the vehicle and pedestrian diversions and the restricted parking. Without any further concerns or discussions the city council unanimously approved all requests.
Where as a production company rolling into the little town of Boonville is not quite unusual, after all the former Kemper Military School was the setting for the film “Child’s Play 3” in 1990. This production company plans to capture a little bit of actual Boonville history by portraying the flood of 1951. As reported by Emily Getzloff of The Boonville Daily News on August 29th, special effects creator Donn Merkel stated that a 4,000 gallon water truck will be needed on set at all times. The special effects crew plans on creating a virtual flood which should be quite interesting especially to the Boonville residents who witnessed the actual flooding of 1951. It is supposed that the virtual flood would take place on High and Morgan Streets as High Street along with a small portion of low lying Morgan Street and the majority of Water Street being the only areas in Boonville proper that ever actually experience any flooding.
Boonville Daily News, Emily Getzloff reporting, August 29th Edition.